Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sleep grins and baby noises...

Most nights James Ryan needs some help getting to sleep. Many parenting books and articles that I've read suggest that at 4 months, parents should encourage their babies to self soothe and learn to put themselves to sleep.

Some nights it seems like a bit of a hassle to keep going in to soothe him, especially when he cries off and on for an hour or more and I have bills to pay, laundry to fold, dishes to wash, etc. When I take him out of his crib and rock him to sleep I wonder if I'm doing the "right" thing.

Tonight as I was rocking him he had the cutest sleep grins and made the most adorable baby noises as he drifted was by far the best part of my day. So my house is messy but my heart is spilling over.

He Sleeps....

1 comment:

ttsc said...

Everyone does whats right for them, at some point he'll learn to put himself to sleep and whenever that is it will be right for both you and him. At least that's what Sama nd I think.