Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Random 10 on Tuesday

I’ve decided to post a random list once/week…hopefully every Tuesday. I’ve seen this on other blogs and I like it, I will share in stream of consciousness so you should get tid-bits of everyday life that I probably would't think share otherwise and may or may not be interesting...
Here goes –

1.I noticed this week that it is Cadbury mini egg season, I am a mini egg junkie and I’m grateful that they are only available for about 6 weeks out of the year otherwise I’d weigh about 20 pounds more than I do. The fact that it is mini egg season and Girl Scout Cookie season does not bode well for my intent to lose ~ 8 pounds.

2.James Ryan threw 4 things in the toilet today ~ note self buy a lock for the bathroom door (and Jim, when I say self here, I really mean you).

3.Imeem is great, it is a website where you can listen (not download) songs/playlists/videos online. I use it to stream music to my blog. They have code to insert right into a blog. All you do is sign up for a free account and you’re set. This isn’t for everyone, but I’ve been enjoying this playlist lately, some of these songs got me through my rough patches and I forgot how good they are.

4.Those of you who know me well (and now those of you who don’t know me well) know that I was always crazy about having a little boy. I never had brothers, always got along well with the guys, wanted a boy, knew I was having a boy when I was pregnant with James Ryan…said I was okay with not having a daughter. Guess what? I changed my mind. I would love to have a daughter someday, a girly-girl who loves polka-dots. Is that too much to wish for?

5.I know what some of you are now thinking, and no I am not pregnant.

6.I bought 16 baby hats last week. Gymboree was having a great sale and they were a business expense:) Two of them were 19 cents. Seriously.

7.James Ryan ate a half a pack of Equal today at Wawa. I tried to take it from him, he’s really fast. I know it’s bad.

8.I don’t think I’m going to watch ‘the Big Game’ this week. Maybe I’ll watch the commercials.

9.I feel like I need a vacation from January. Maybe if I start planning something for the summer I’ll feel better.

10.Although I didn’t love turning 30 in October, it’s really not that bad. Yeah, it sucks that I can’t say I’m ‘in my twenties anymore,’ but when I don't think about the number and focus on the positives, I do feel that I know myself better than I ever did in my twenties I’m not afraid to be me now at all. In fact I’m trying to incorporate my true self into also facets of my life, and life is just easier that way.

That’s it, my random ten for this week. Hope it wasn’t too much of a bore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok.. on the girl thing? You'll soon change your mind when the love for polka dots very quickly turns into a love for lip gloss and "hangin out" with her friends all weekend (or at least attempting to).HAHA I wanna lose 8 lbs too. (darn Thin Mints)
Ha Ha!
Luv ya Lots!
Angie CB