Sunday, June 3, 2007

Water Baby

James Ryan, my Mom, and I went to the beach on Friday. He loved the water, sand, and sea gulls. He played in the sand, tried to eat it of course! I dipped his toes in the water and he tried to sit down, he really wanted to play in the ocean, but the water is too cold now.

We also drove to Virginia Beach and back over the weekend for Quan's wedding. LJ was an angel in the car...poor little guy, it was a long trip and I feel bad for taking him, but I would have felt worse leaving him:) He handled the trip well, took a few naps in the car, watched a few baby Einstein DVDs on our laptop, it was ok. I decided that we'll have to stay for at least 3 nights next time we take a drive that long though:) We are all tired tonight.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Pics!! It looks like LJ had a ball at the beach!! Wow he is already seen so much at such an early age!! Lucky Kid!! Love you, Aunt T