Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Boss

Don't let this sweet, happy face fool wrong move and you could have a temper tantrum on your hands:) I thought tantrums were for 2 year olds, no one warned me that 9 month olds can throw a tantrum with the best of them.

James Ryan is so funny, he has been cracking us up this week. He learned to dance and bops up and to music, it's so cute.
What's not cute is when you take something away that he's not supposed to have (ie - car keys, power strips, and other potentially dangerous items) out, he throws a little fit, kicking, back arching, yelling. It's funny for 3 seconds the first time, not so much after that.


ttsc said...

Oh, that sweet little boy would never have a tantrum, I don't believe it. :)

Sarah said...

Mm, get used to it!