Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Be still my heart:)

My boys at the beach...how cute are they?

We're back from Cape May, we had a great time. The highlight of the trip was our beach picnic last night, it was so nice. James Ryan played his first game of catch, we threw him the ball and he cracked up and handed the ball back to us, he loved it. He also loved chasing and yelling at the seagulls.


Anonymous said...

it looks like you guys a super had duper time! we loved the photo of your boys- The one of you and baby James we are crazy about too! We really would like to have a copy of the pictures for our home- How do we get them off the blog.

Papou James and YiaYia Julia

Lisa said...

Dear Papou James and YiaYia Julia,
We're so glad you're reading the blog and that you left us a comment! We love getting comments. We'll send you a Snapfish album very soon with some of our cutest photos:-)
Lisa, Jim and James Ryan

Anonymous said...

Hey babe,

Andrew and I are looking at the blog because I miss you guys. Looking forward to seeing you in the AM.

Love, Me