Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Happiness is.....

Well, today, it's flip flops!
I had a rough morning. First, I forgot a few important things that I needed for the day, then realized on the train that I had gross mushed avocado all over my jacket -thanks little Jim! I finally got to work and had a very intense morning meeting. By lunch time, I really needed a little pick-me-up. I found it a J.Crew.

Is it wrong to love a pair of shoes? I hope not, I LOVE them...love the polka-dots, love the pink, and love that they give me a little height. They are perfect.
I'm not much of a shopper, and typically don't indulge in 'retail therapy,' but I'm so glad I did today.

Now I just need a pedicure:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Cute I need to get myself a pair!! I love sandal shopping and i'm gone to have to do a lot since chase chewed all of my sandals!! Love Tara