Sunday, December 21, 2008

merry merry....

James Ryan is getting very excited about Christmas. We've been reading about baby Jesus' birth a lot and also about Santa.
We haven't been able to get the little guy on Santa's lap yet. Although he loves to talk and read about Santa, he is terrified of the Santas at the mall, Johnson's farm...the real live Santas are a bit too scary for Jim. He is getting less and less frightened as the days go by so hopefully he sit on Santa's lap on Christmas day at the Conway's (Santa always makes a special appearance there).

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Tuesday Morning Project...

James Ryan and I are working on a very important project together. I call it The Tuesday Morning Project, more about the project in a few weeks but here is a snapshot from this morning.
{click on the image to see it bigger, you can see his baby blues better that way}

Oh and James Ryan learned the entire alphabet in about 2 days, he knows every letter, even W.

Friday, November 7, 2008


I apologize for the lack of blog posts lately. Right now I am just surviving, between my job, photography biz, 2 year old, pregnancy, and keeping up with the Money Pit...I am just exhausted and trying to get through it.

The pregnancy is going well, I am not sick anymore, at least not like I was in the first trimester. I can't believe that in about 18 weeks we'll be a family of 4!
I had my big ultrasound last week and we're having a...
We didn't find out what we're having, so it will be a surprise in March. {sorry that was mean} Believe me, I would love to know, it was so hard for me not to find out:}

James Ryan is doing well, besides the fact that he's been sick a lot since starting school (daycare 3 mornings/week), he is starting to talk a lot. He's into his ABCs and he's been saying 'FOOTBALL!' and 'See-ya' a lot this week.

I've been busy with photography {check out my business blog to see what I've been up to.}

Fortius PT is kicking butt which is great of course, but Jim and I don't see much of each other these days, he is working very hard.

The Money Pit is coming along. I haven't posted a picture yet because before the painters finished, our front door was removed {we are having it refurbished.} We now have a large piece of plywood covering the entryway to our house {seriously}. In the background of the photos below you can see the yellow paint that we chose for the exterior of the house, our rehabbed porch, and the lovely plywood door cover:)
We meet with our architect tomorrow to go over the initial set of drawings for our big renovation project, I am excited to see what he's come up with.

Here is our little monster...


Monday, October 6, 2008

Introducing Ella...

We had a fun weekend in NY, I had a client photo session and also go to catch up with Taryn and meet her new little bundle Miss Ella...

Isn't she adorable?

James Ryan started school today! I think it was harder on me than him but we are having a transition week as we adjust to our new schedules:)

Our porch and painting projects are 90% finished here and I promise to post before and after pictures of the outside of the house soon.


Monday, September 8, 2008

My baby is two....

He'll tell you he's 3, 3 is his favorite number.

He loves trucks, buses, and airplanes.
He doesn't love having his photo taken and I had to pull out all the stops to get a few bday portraits. {Click on the image if you would like to see it larger:)}

He's getting so big...sigh...I love my little big guy:}

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back from vacation...

and hopefully back to blogging more regularly.
We had a great time at the shore last week. We didn't want to come home:-) I didn't take one photo with my camera - sorry. I took a bunch with my Mom's camera but nothing to share tonight.
We came home to a newly painted living room, it looks really nice. We chose a really fun yellow and it looks fresh and warm and sunny. I'll have to post a photo soon.
Since I hate to post without a photo, here is one a took this morning of a 6 day old little lady ~

I also arrived home to find some great news in my inbox ~
Our great friends
Courtney and Colin are parents - Welcome baby Connor!
Taryn and Tim also have a new baby girl - Welcome baby Ella!
I can't wait to meet the little ones:}

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A little R and R...

We had such a great time on LI over the weekend visting and relaxing. It was so nice to get away for a few's difficult for us to relax in the new house since we have endless to-do lists.
James Ryan especially had a great time, he quickly became very attached to this bus and slept and bathed with it all weekend:)

We went to the LI Children's Muesem, J.Ry really enjoyed the music room, the tot area, the bubble exhibit, adn the outdoor garden/water play area.

We spent Saturday afternoon in Oak Beach and James Ryan took his first boat ride (not in this boat, in the big boat) we thought he would be scared but he loved it, he kept saying Wow Woweee.

Spending some time at the beach made us really excited for our week at the beach in August, we can't wait.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Mom's little helper

The little guy helped me set up my studio today and he's been helping me find fun locations all over Moorestown.

love the drool:-)

Monday, June 30, 2008

Starting to feel like home...

We worked our butts of this weekend at the house, with a lot of help. THANK YOU Uncle Mark, Aunt Ree, Joe, Mom, Dad, & everyone else who pitched in, you guys are the best!
We demoed the garage and ripped out all of the overgrown shrubs. It was an amazing amount of work accomplished in one weekend.
Now we just need to figure out how we want to put the yard back together:)
We are starting to get a sense of a timeline for projects and it is exciting an overwhelming.
James Ryan LOVES to be outside, he wants to be out He still gets up before 6 most days and wants to go out immediately. I have been walking with him most mornings and it is great, we walk from about 7 to 8:30 or 9, running errands and exploring our town. I love it.

Isn't our boy getting so tall?
I will post some pics of the house soon.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Still here...

Just settling in to the new house and we don't have internet access yet.
Back to regular posting hopefully next week!

Friday, June 6, 2008

When did this happen?

I still remember the day she was born so clearly, skipping out of school to go visit her in the hospital. That gorgoeus baby girl is

Can this be? I feel old:)
C, I hope you had a great time at the dance little lady!

Monday, May 26, 2008

I tried to get a nice photo of

James Ry with his one of his favorite people...

Too bad I only had one willing model:-{ Our boy was in rare form yesterday so we had to make an early exit from our Memorial weekend BBQ.
Jim and I had a great time at John Vavas's wedding on Saturday, we got to see a lot of college friends that we don't wee often enough.
Tomorrow is a big day for us, we're closing on our new home at 8 am, not moving for a few weeks though.
Hope you all had a great weekend!

Monday, May 19, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...

James Ryan loves shoes, Dora the Explorer, and airplanes this week.
Tonight we were picking up a few things at Target and he made (yes, my toddler is my boss)me buy him green boots and a Dora the Explorer airplane toy. I bet you he is going to want to wear these boots all.the.time, rain or shine:)

At least we found a fun mural wall that matches the crazy boots for a photo-op:}

On another note, we are getting excited to move into our new house, we're thinking about decorating, and I do me we {believe it or not Jim does have an opinion on these things} are leaning toward the black/white/&bright color schemes in Pottery Barn this season.

The Pottery Barn Catalog is always stunning, I don't know how they do it. We only have a few Pottery Barn pieces and I honestly don't think that their furniture is great quality for the amount that they charge...but I drool all over the catalog and try to replicate some of the looks creatively {and frugally}.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


One of my images will be featured on the cover of the next edition of Tot Trends Magazine and look who the cover model is:

We're very excited about this!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Gaw-geous Miss Kelsey Rose off to prom...

Her second prom this year...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

newbie portraits to share...

I'm up late proofing photos and I think I like these...


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My apologies for slacking...

I have been busy.busy the past week or so and I've been neglecting this blog.
I've done a bunch of fun photo sessions lately , that's one thing that's keeping me busy.
We're also gearing up for the big move to Moorestown, we are very excited and nervous at the same time.
James Ryan has also been keeping me on my toes, some of his favorite things this week are spotting airplanes - he is obsessed with airplanes, once he hears one he has to stop and stare and point, he calls them day-days (toddler speak for airplane I guess). He also LOVES reading, he has a few favorite books, this week he is into "Go Dog Go," and the "Who's There" pop up series. He loves looking at the animals and making animals noises, he does 'quack quack', 'moo,' and 'woof woof.'
He insists on taking a book into his crib at bed time, he doesn't read it, he just wants it in there with him, too funny.
This week he also has a new obsession with school buses. I think playing with a toy school bus at Sue-Sue's sparked this, when he spots a bus, he gets very excited and shouts, 'us! us!' not sure why he doesn't say the b, but it's still very cute:)
Hope you're all having a fun week.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Timeless beauty...

So pretty framed by the tree,

and with a little vintage processing...I love these...sigh